Established in 1998, Women Education Leaders in Virginia (WELV) is a not-for-profit organization, affiliated with the Curry School at the University of Virginia, that includes and supports women in all areas of education in Virginia.

"WELV has provided the ability to meet strong women that face similar obstacles and are active listeners, collaborators, and truly have each other's best interest in mind. All of us want to see each other succeed to the highest potential. Women empowering other women is very impactful."
Gina Wohlford
Our Mission
The purpose of WELV is to
bring together leaders to address issues related primarily to the
accomplishments, advancement, concerns, interests, and special contributions of
women in or aspiring to educational leadership.
Our Vision
The Women Education
Leaders in Virginia shape the future by
supporting women leaders in PreK-16 education.
We explore and bring to light new knowledge, ideas, and skills to serve those who
are currently leading and providing the foundation for a new generation of women leaders.